The Problem Landscape

As the digital economy expands, it encounters persistent challenges that hinder its potential for truly inclusive and efficient global participation. These challenges encompass a range of issues across the digital and financial sectors:

- Financial Exclusion: Traditional financial systems often leave behind a significant portion of the global population due to stringent requirements, geographical barriers, and lack of access to banking services.

- Centralization Risks: Centralized financial and digital platforms pose risks of censorship, privacy breaches, and single points of failure, compromising user security and autonomy.

- Inefficient Asset Management: The management and transfer of assets in the traditional economy can be slow, opaque, and costly, leading to liquidity issues and access barriers for average investors.

- Creative Rights and Ownership: Digital creators face challenges in claiming ownership, monetizing, and protecting their intellectual property in a rapidly digitizing world.

- Community Disengagement: Many digital and financial ecosystems operate top-down, leaving users and stakeholders with little to no say in governance decisions, undermining community trust and engagement.

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