Overview of Token Distribution

The Syndicatus Token distribution is structured as follows, with a total supply of 100,000,000 tokens:

Seed Round: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

Private Sale: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

UNCX (Initial Liquidity Offering): 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

Reserve: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

Advisors: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

Team: 10% (10,000,000 Tokens)

Marketing: 10% (10,000,000 Tokens)

Airdrop & Community Build: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

Treasury: 15% (15,000,000 Tokens)

Partnerships: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

LP Incentives: 10% (10,000,000 Tokens)

Founders: 5% (5,000,000 Tokens)

Research and Development: 15% (15,000,000 Tokens)

Last updated